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Carnival of the Animals was a collaborative, interdisciplinary endeavor between the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra and Chamber Ballet Brockport along with faculty and students from the College at Brockport's Departments of Theatre and Music Studies, Visual Arts, English, and Arts for Children. It premiered with the Rochester Philharmonic Orchestra in January 2016 as part of the OrKIDstra series and continues to be developed by CBB for youth outreach programming in the greater Rochester area.

Choreography by Marissa Aucoin and Vanessa VanWormer 

Staging by Davida Bloom and Ruth Childs

Music composed by Saint Saens, performed by the RPO

Costume Coordinator, Stephanie Paluch

Visuals by Chris Carson



Chamber Ballet Brockport:

Tatiana Amaye-Obu, Alexis Cordella, Emily Gerst, Chloe London, Konrad Morawski, Laura Murawski, Tanya Murphy, Maura Quinn, Baylee Simpson, Alexandra Wagner, Briana Walker



Alex Black, Christopher Haller, Brigette Meskel, Oscia Miles, Tricia Plinzke



Sarah Liu, Heather Muford, Megan Wandersee, Christian Wessels, Maureen Wight

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